Zagara Cafè & Boutique

Inside the Hotel Posta you will find the Zagara Cafè & Boutique where you can buy products made by Syracusan and Sicilian companies, almond biscuits, bitters, natural soaps, baskets, works of art by local artists and much more …. Our company for years has aimed to enhance the quality and history of local products, production techniques and their typicality, supporting the zero km, the circular economy and sustainable and aware tourism.


PERMANENT EXHIBITION: Inside our structure you can visit the permanent exhibition of the works of the artist Salvo Cubeta*, a painter with a unique and unmistakable technique.

TEMPORARY EXHIBITIONS: Various exhibitions will be set up inside our facility during the 2023 season, follow our channels for updates!

*All the works are for sale and the negotiation is reserved. Ask the Receptionists.



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